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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tauroa and "nuestra casa"

"Winter comes
in winter lands,
landing wetly whites and winds,
windy stirring chilly streams
streaming coldly through the mist
misty frosts in morning dew
winter comes 
in winter lands
winter goes
as green spring grows."

-- Our home (for now) as sun rises under the Te Mata peak.

-- Gallos amarillos y sus guardaespaldas.


-- Our back-deck, with awesome outside "pool"


-- Misty morning on the farm


-- Nicks and Ana's (our neighbours) biodynamic chickens. Fun, handy chicken tractor and healthy mamas.


-- Afternoon of biodynamic spraying. The "500" getting warm and flowy as it goes trough the flow-forms. As Nick says: "Michael, its all about the intention...", I agree.


-- Flow-forms. Its great to just stare at the water as it flows in circles. After an hour of ciclic flow, it will be ready to spray.

-- After biking...


-- Inside the den...


-- The Whare rising up to the sun. Bikes awaiting for the riders.


-- Winter pond-kayaking at the farm.

-- Marcela off to school. Up to the pass and then down to Taruna, 30 min of nice trail. Te Mata Peak at the back

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