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Monday, September 14, 2015

New England Melange

 A pesar de que el trabajo en Kroka y la puesta en marcha del Ecuador Semester se llevan la gran mayoría del tiempo en estas tierras, nos damos el tiempo de saludar a rios, lagos, senderos, montañas y  amigos de los alrededores. Lugares  y personas que después de tantos años de visitar esta esquina del continente guardan vivencias acumuladas, pero aun esconden mucho terreno por explorar. Esta es una recolección de imagenes que resumen un verano cargado de aventuras diversas.

Even though the work at Kroka Expeditions and the Ecuador Semester fill up most of our time here, we've also had time to visit and re-connect with lakes, rivers, trails, woods and friends. After almost 14 years of coming back to this corner of the continent, most of these places are -in a way- familiar to us and keep a record of adventures and encounters that we've had in the past, but there is always more to explore and discover. The following images are a re-collection of yet another New England summer.

-- Echinacea with temporary visitor--

-- hummingbirds also keep busy while flowers last --

-- Sandy beaches, bike paths and farmer markets while Bikepacking the Lake Champlain shore for a few days --

-- Koru met with his cousins for a Bread and Puppet's show up in northern Vermont --

-- The founder and director of this unique show --

-- Giant paper mask at the Bread and Puppet museum --

-- Overnight sailing adventure with our friends Misha, Lynne, Mathias and Danya--

-- Hiking and climbing the Adirondack High Peaks with Kroka staff--

-- Spruce --

-- Mt. Colden, Trap Dyke upper slide--

-- Mushrooms; The little guys from the woods --

-- Koru; Another little guy from the woods --

-- Field and Teepee --

-- Joe Graham bringing a new fat-bike to life --

-- ... and customizing Thomas's Salsa Mariachi for a family adventure --

-- Marcea's new Salsa Fargo getting ready to ride the White Rim Trail. 
Thanks to CIKLA for the support --

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