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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Palos, palitos, palotes...y un taller.

Me parece absurdo. Ocho años atras empezamos a construir nuestra casa, nunca en todo ese tiempo tuve un lugar donde trabajar. Bancos de trabajo improvisados, un pedacito de piso en la casa, una tabla triplex o cualquier superficie medianamente plana se convertia en mesa de trabajo y así se crearon muebles, ventanas, mesas, repisas y demás inspiraciones constructivas. Literalmente me rompi la espalda trabajando en posiciones acrobáticas. Finalmente y con el buen pretexto de que pronto llegara otro inquilino a Cruzpunguito, la Marce y yo emprendimos en la construcción de un taller. Y aunque aun no esta terminado, aqui retazos de una obra que debió haber sucedido hace años y que nos tomo (hasta el momento) solo 8 dias.
I still cannot believe it. We started building our house about 8 years ago,  never in all those years did we have a proper working table, and not even the mention of a workshop. Improvised working benches, the house floor, a piece of plywood or any surface that proved to be flat enough would turn into a nomadic workshop where windows, tables and other building endeavors took place. I literally broke my back working on acrobatic positions. Finally, a few weeks ago, knowing that a new member is coming to our family and the need to create room for him/her, Marcela and I made sketches and started building a workshop. Even though the project is not over, here some of the stages of its progress throughout 8 days of work.

-- Old, dry eucalyptus beams. / Postes de eucalipto maduro y seco.

-- Formoneando y taladrando. / Drilling and chiseling.

-- Arriba la primera parte / Up goes the first section

-- Bambu for roofing, light and fast. / Guadua para el techo, liviano y rapido.

-- La proa / The prow

-- Steel roof, easy to install one person job. / Techo de acero, facil de instalar incluso entre una sola persona

-- The stones that came out from leveling the ground turn into the first table.
-- Las piedras que salieron de la nivelación del suelo se convirtieron en la primera mesa

-- Mi llave favorita, una antigüedad, British Made.
-- My favorite wrench. An antique. British Made

-- A paso seguido se arma una mesa de trabajo.
-- Following the roof, a proper working table follows.

-- Bikes, tools and myself move in...
-- Bicis, herramientas y maestro empiezan la mudanza.

-- materiales de trabajo  tambien se abren paso.../ new materials find their way in as well...

-- y la primera obra empieza a tomar forma.
-- and the first project starts taking shape.

-- en dos dias esta casi lista para instalar.
-- in two days it's almost ready to go inside.

-- voila... done. And the next day I leave to the mountains to teach a mountaineering course.
-- Voila, se termino. Al dia siguiente salgo a guiar un curso de alta montaña por 11 dias.


  1. Every man needs his workshop. Congratulations, it is very beautiful as everything you guys are making.

    1. Gracias Mama Lisl, Its so nice to have an area to let creativity go wild... exciting!
      How is the house coming along, send us some recent pictures. And the babies?
