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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

pal Norte...

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Todo lo que sube baja. 
Estamos de regreso en Hawkes Bay. La Marce de regreso a clases y yo una vez mas encontrando rutinas finqueras en Tauroa. Los días se van alargando y el invierno ya solo hace entradas intempestivas para luego dar paso a días primaverales. 
Con el calorcito, un frenesí de nuevos "guaguas" invade la finca. Mamas orgullosas se pandean con sus críos mientras todos enfrentamos resignados nuestra nueva ocupación de niñeras/enfermeras. La mañana siempre viene acompañada de alguna eventualidad en la maternidad... que no sale el ternero, que son gemelos, que no come, que come mucho, etc.
La Colorada descansa y todos nos dejamos llevar por el ritmo de la finca...

What comes down must come up.
We are up in Hawkes Bay again, Marcela back into classes and I find myself falling slowly into the farm routines at Tauroa. Little by little winter starts giving way to spring, days are getting longer and cold spells give way to nice sunny days.
With the sun, an avalanche of newborn babies takes over the farm. Proud mamas wander around the fields showing off her little ones. We quietly accept our new role of baby-sitting and nursing. Mornings are always eventful... the calf is not coming out, twins where born, baby is not eating, baby is eating too much...etc.
Bikes rest quietly on the shed and we all drift away with the rhythms of the farm... 

-- Rising early provides for everyday sun salutations.

-- Flowers popping out. Spring coming?...

--After school nap.

-- Garden and garden shed. NZ provides green veggies year round.

-- La Colorada is also taking it easy.

-- More interesting mushrooms...

-- My friend Noel "eating sun" a daily ritual he performs every morning before breakfast.

-- Baby boom!

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